Case Studies

Case Studies

Do You Have a Reliable And Profitable Discounting Strategy in Place?

We helped this manufacturer tackle unwarranted discounting and incentivize salespeople to discount within target recommendations.
Case Studies

What's Cutting Into Your Profit?

This client maximized their revenue despite vendor price increases and customer cost-cutting demands. We added $4 million in profit (4% revenue lift)
Case Studies

Do You Have True Pricing Visibility?

The right pricing information led to better pricing decisions – and a $7.2 million boost in revenue.
Case Studies

Improved Data Visibility

$2 Million+ in Additional Revenue in Just 12 Months. Manufacturer Increases Revenue by More Than $2 million with Better Visibility into Pricing Data
Case Studies

How do your prices compare to the competition?

“You are more expensive than the other guys.” Ever hear this? Our client was told that their prices were 15% higher than the competition. We proved that they were in fact 20% lower and their name brand product offered more value.
Case Studies

Are you getting the most out of your salesforce?

INSIGHT2PROFIT helped our client successfully build and implement a new sales compensation program that empowered the sales force, rewarded individuals for profit-oriented decisions and was adaptable to business changes.
Case Studies

How Did a Private-Equity Owned Medical Supplies Manufacturer Succeed at Reducing Inventory and Increasing its Service Levels?

A private-equity owned $100M+ medical supplies manufacturer was struggling to maintain both inventory and customer service levels. We implemented an inventory management solution to change that.
Case Studies

How did a Private Equity Owned Specialty Distributor Enhance Margins Before Going to Market?

A private equity owned specialty distributor wanted to enhance margins before going to market and engaged INSIGHT2PROFIT eight months prior to the transaction.
Case Studies

How Do Your Prices Compare to the Competition?

We helped this distributor tackle inflationary pressures by validating their price increase approach and rationale through market intelligence studies.
Case Studies

How Well Do You Account for Cost Changes in Your Pricing?

Our dynamic pricing engine helped this distributor account for and optimize market cost fluctuations.